Months of planning, grant writing, and donations are paying off! The first phase of the Native Plant Demonstration Garden is under way.
Our weekly Thursday work parties have been clearing the paths, adding sand to the prairie areas, and preparing the area for planting. Thursday, September 13, the Thursday work party volunteers had the honor of planting the inaugural plants into our Native Plant Demonstration Garden.
Earthcorps provided two days of service last week and placed donated pathway edging stone, 50 cy of compost, and moved moss-covered nurse logs into place.
The United Way Day of Caring crew from Microsoft planted a large chunk of the Phase I of the Demo Garden. They did an amazing job and you can tell from the photographs that the outcome was beautiful. Thanks to all of the organizations and friends of the Garden who donated time, materials, plants, or use of their property towards the ultimate goal of an amazing Native Plant Demonstration Garden.