We were favored with two interns for the Winter quarter from Edmonds College. Stan Dombrowski hails from Spokane and has been in the Seattle area for the last five years. While working for himself in landscape maintenance, he’s been a student at the Edmonds College Horticulture program. When presented with project ideas at the Garden, Stan chose the area near the giant sequoia. This area has been used a lot for nursery production and, in recent years, has fallen into disrepair. With the high visibility of the area and foot traffic into the lower garden, we wanted to take away that production area visual and highlight the massive trunk of the sequoia. With the aid of our volunteers, we cleared the space of the structures. The result is a focus on the stately presence of one of the Garden’s major focal points and the first tree to be planted by Art and Mareen in 1958.
The most significant effort was moving the boulders to create a new shoulder for the garden bed and path. It took three of us the better part of a day to place them. This effort pulls together the previous intern’s project along the trail, visually creating a line of continuity. Last week, we capped off Stan’s project with new hog wire screens, a future home for vines. While we have some details to finish, the results of this effort are smashing. Excellent work, Stan!