The City of Shoreline Deputy Mayor Chris Eggen officially dedicated the parking lot and entry space improvements at KBG on Saturday, November 17.
It was a cold, crisp, and perfectly clear day for a dedication ceremony. We had more than 30 people in attendance, including City Council members, current and former KBGF staff, City of Shoreline Parks Department Staff, current and former KBGF board members, friends of the garden, and Dr. Art Kruckeberg himself! Art shared his satisfaction with the new entryway, and the crowd agreed. A short tour of the Arts in the Garden installations and the Native Plant Demonstration Garden was given after the dedication ceremony.
The next step for the entryway will be to obtain additional specimen plants. Our new parking lot has opened new vistas of the upper garden, so we are excited to be able to highlight new species. Art is helping us identify the perfect specimens to fill out the garden. The last step? Complete the welcome entry arbor and the entry improvements will be complete!