KBGF’s newest staff member, Development Associate Aaron Silverberg, wants to invite our e-newsletter, website, and blog readers (you!) to visit the Garden for a free introductory tour. Have you never been here, or at least not in a while? Perhaps you would like to come on a guided tour for the first time? Read on!

Dear readers,

Thank you so much for your interest in the Kruckeberg Botanic Garden.

And an especially BIG thank you to those of you who are already members, volunteers, and donors. Without you, we could not keep Art and Mareen’s magical landscape a beautiful endowment inspiring so many to steward our local environs.

I’d like to extend a very special invitation to you to join us for a free guided tour of the Garden. Please RSVP to us at tours@kruckeberg.org for one of the three available dates:

March 25 at 1pm

April 14 at 1pm

April 29 at 1pm

Since I am new here at KBGF I’d like to briefy introduce myself. My name is Aaron Silverberg and I am helping fund KBGF so that Art and Mareen’s legacy can be enjoyed for a l o n g time.

I’ve lived in the Seattle area since 1988. I was drawn here by the mountains, rivers, and wild lands that are so soul-soothing. I’m an organic gardener, a poet, and have been practicing as a life coach since 2000.

I joined KBGF because I want to help sustain these gorgeous acres and influence people to bring native plant beauty to their yards and common spaces. I look forward to meeting you in person and finding out what aspects of the Garden are your passions.

