September closed out with a bang! We held our annual fundraiser, Garden Party, on September 26th. As a virtual event, we went into the planning process with trepidation, anxiety, dread…uncertainty. COVID19 has pushed us all to the edge of our abilities, only to show us that we are all capable of so much more. With every shadow of gloom, there has been a streaming beam of light from our community. Whether it was a PPP loan from Heritage Bank or random donations, we have experienced incredible support through it all. But our community really turned it out for us at the virtual Garden Party, where you helped us achieve our goal of raising $50,000.00. Through a list of incredible sponsors, ticket sales, meal purchases, auction items, and paddle raises, you’ve given us the chance to continue our efforts to not only maintain the Kruckeberg Botanic Garden but to maintain the momentum we have started with education programs and garden improvements. T H A N K  Y O U!

October has no shortage of work in store for us. I’m excited to say that we are starting the process of acquiring a new hoop house for the propagation area. Thanks to the Woodinville Garden Club, we will have a full-size hoop house structure to keep plants and work out of the elements. We hope to have this accomplished by the end of November. Fall bulbs will be arriving sometime this next week. Remember the Director’s Wish List? Thanks to enthusiastic donors, we purchased $600 worth of spring-blooming bulbs. Stay tuned for volunteer planting opportunities.

before image of rock wall

Proposed retaining wall project

Our wonderful partners, the City of Shoreline, provides 4 days of EarthCorp work each year. I thought this year was going to be a pass due to COVID. Imagine my giddiness when I received an email from our friends at EarthCorp last month. We are tackling a dream project I have had for some time, a low rock retaining wall along the south pathway going down the hill. Materials are being donated by a regional quarry and labor covered by the City of Shoreline. Our partnership with the City and EarthCorp has been a mainstay for the garden, a reason that such enhancements like the pathways have been accomplished.

Dean Weller, Volunteer

Dean Weller, Volunteer

Another project underway at the garden is hose mounts. With the help of Friends of Edmonds in Bloom, we are installing posts and hose mounts throughout the garden. None of this would be getting done without the dedicated volunteer time of Dean Weller. Thank you, Dean. Your energy and creativity in the garden are so very appreciated.

In closing, a final thank you to our amazing community. You enable us to work in this treasure, manifest our visions, and provide the community with a place of refuge.


Joseph Abken, Executive Director