Curriculum and lesson plans:

Burke From Home – Sign up for weekly curriculum packets from the Burke Museum.

From Seed to SeedA wide array of plant science resources brought to you by the National Garden Association.

Birding K-12 – The Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers a wide array of birding curricula and activities for students of all ages. Check out their weekly hands-on activity for students learning from home.

Project Botany – an ecoregional curriculum created by the Institute for Applied Ecology. Lessons progress from basic plant identification into more advanced topics in botany, ethnobotany, ecology, and restoration.

Exploring Nature Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science Resources for K-12 by Sheri Amsel.

BEETLES Project – A list of popular outdoor activities to do with students of all ages provided by the BEETLES (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing) Project.

Project Learning Tree – Indoor and outdoor activities for children of all ages. Most activities are available in multiple languages.

U.S. Forest ServiceIndoor & outdoor activities for kids