Curriculum and lesson plans:
Burke From Home – Sign up for weekly curriculum packets from the Burke Museum.
From Seed to Seed – A wide array of plant science resources brought to you by the National Garden Association.
Birding K-12 – The Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers a wide array of birding curricula and activities for students of all ages. Check out their weekly hands-on activity for students learning from home.
Project Botany – an ecoregional curriculum created by the Institute for Applied Ecology. Lessons progress from basic plant identification into more advanced topics in botany, ethnobotany, ecology, and restoration.
Exploring Nature – Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science Resources for K-12 by Sheri Amsel.
BEETLES Project – A list of popular outdoor activities to do with students of all ages provided by the BEETLES (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing) Project.
Project Learning Tree – Indoor and outdoor activities for children of all ages. Most activities are available in multiple languages.
U.S. Forest Service– Indoor & outdoor activities for kids